Aspahlt Consulting Services, LLC

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Public Agencies: Service Provided:
State of California, CalTrans Asphalt Concrete Specifications
Sacramento County Geosynthetic Reinforced Chip Seal (GRCS) Specifications
San Luis Obispo County GRCS Specifications
San Joaquin County GRCS and HMA Specifications
Yolo County Specification and Constructability Review
City of Elk Grove Pavement Design and Repair
Douglas County, Nevada Specifications and Inspection Services
McClellan Air Force Base Specifications
US Forest Service
(El Dorado, Tahoe & Stanislaus National Forests)
Surface Treatments
Private Companies And Homeowners' Associations:
Aerojet General Corporation (CA) Various Projects
Auburn Lake Trails P.O.A. GRCS, HMA Specifications and Inspection
Brooke Meadow Mobile Park (CA) Street Repair
Cameron Estates H.O.A. (CA) Chip Seal Surfacing
Carabay Apartments (CA) SSBI
Caritas Corp (CA) SSBI
First Pointe Management Group Surveys, Specifications, Bids and Inspection (SSBI)
FPI Management (CA) SSBI
Garden Park HOA (CA) GRCS
Golden West CSD (CA) GRCS
Grady’s Quality Excavating (AZ) GRCS and Asphalt Paving
Greensprings Ranch H.O.A. (CA) Drainage/Surfacing
Hidden Valley Lake H.O.A. (CA) GRCS
Kennnedy Wilson Multifamily (CA, NV, AZ & UT) SSBI
Kingsbury Grade Impr. Dist. (NV) Drainage/Erosion Control/Chip Sealing
KOCAL Management Group (CA) SSBI
Lake of the Pines (CA) SSBI
Los Lagos H.O.A. (CA) SSBI
Management Trust (CA) SSBI
Manteca Unified School District Consultation and Specifications for Crack Sealing
North Vine Estates (CA) SSBI
Rancho Del Sol H.O.A. (CA) GRCS
Rancho Murieta H.O.A. (CA) GRCS, SSBI
Rising Hill C.S.D. (CA) GRCS
Riverlake H.O.A. (CA) SSBI
Robinson Enterprises (CA, NV) Asphalt Surfacing
Serrano (CA) SSBI
South Buckeye Rancheros (CA) GRCS
The Ezralow Company SSBI
The Summit at Lake Forest SSBI
Topaz Ranch H.O.A. (NV) Chip Seal Surfacing
Whitney Oaks (CA) SSBI
Vista Del Lago (CA) SSBI

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11369 Sunrise Gold Circle, Ste A, Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 :: 916-761-1817